Tips to make your home less vulnerable to burglary.

Home security in Melbourne has become a matter of concern. People usually prioritize business site security to a great extent. Still, they often neglect the importance and consequences of home security. Poor Home security in Melbourne can give you a tough time and cause hefty losses to your pockets and your property. Metropolitan Guards has compiled 21 ways to better your home security in Melbourne.

1) Install a good CCTV camera and alarm system

 Burglars will be deterred if they see signs that your home is protected by a quality security camera and alarm system. Ensure this system is observed or at least goes to your smartphone

2) Leave the blinds closed

 If thieves don’t see something to steal, they’ll likely go elsewhere.

3) Team up with your neighbor for a home security watch.

 Be friendly with your neighbors. Watch their house and ask them to do the same to yours. Be curious – ask questions if you notice someone there, especially if you know the neighbours aren’t home

4) Consider getting a dog

 Get a barking Fido to watch over your house. Thieves are often deterred by the attention caused by a barking dog.

5) Secure the doors, windows, and garage

 Keep the doors, windows and garage locked even at home.

6) Keep these plants and shrubs trimmed

 Thieves can easily hide behind tall plants and bushes. Keep them trimmed so people can’t hide behind them and enter your home unnoticed.

7) Leave the radio or television on

 Use timers to turn on and off devices in your home that may make noise. Consider using a different timer on the light; if you come home late, burglars will think someone is home even though you are gone.

8) Light up the surroundings

 Consider outdoor sensor lights – lighting is an excellent deterrent to thieves.

9) Consider installing window and door screens

 Windows and doors with reinforced bars prevent thieves from quickly entering your home.

10) Consider building a high fence with security alarms

 High fences are another deterrent for thieves and make it very clear if someone climbs over them – especially if you install good motion sensor lighting.

11) Do not advertise your tour

 Don’t tell people about your itineraries or post on social media while you’re on vacation – wait until you get back. Ask someone to stay at your house while you’re gone, or if that’s not possible, at least have someone take out the trash for you and come back to make it look like a routine in your house.

12) Leave the garage door closed when you’re home

 A garage on display is just an invitation for people to observe what valuable tools or equipment you own.

13) Don’t leave your house or car keys near the front door

 Criminals might try to sneak in to return the keys to you later. Please don’t make it easy for them by making your keys easy to find.

14) Consider using protective film on windows and doors

 Protective film helps keep potential thieves from knowing what’s inside your home.

15) Change the locks regularly

 Alter the lock as soon as you move into your new home, and consider changing it at intervals. Do you know to whom you gave the spare key?

16) Do not keep spare keys outside

 Burglars know where to look for keys outside the house. Do not leave any spare key outside. If you want to go the key with someone, ask a trusted neighbour or security service

17) Don’t leave things lying around in the garden

 Ladders, bikes, and tools in your front yard or garden attract attention and invite theft. It also gives the impression that you are an easy target.

18) Always lock

 Before going to bed, check the garage doors, windows, and locks. Don’t trust yourself, always do one last check before you retire for the night.

19) Turn off Geotags on your devices

If your phone’s location is enabled, you can be easily found, especially if you post online.

20) Don’t just let people into your house

 Trust no one. Do not open the door to strangers or reveal the layout of your house and what is inside.

21) Always be prepared to call the police

 Get in touch with the police. Be ready to call when you notice someone lurking outside your home or your neighbour’s home. It is better to make an honest mistake than to assume that the person is invited.



  • Be vigilant – always consider your home vulnerable to theft. It allows you to stay alert and more alert.
  • Once the period of isolation and lockdown is over, focus on meeting your neighbours. You can support each other and reduce the likelihood of burglaries in your area.
  • Consider hiring home security in Melbourne to keep your home safe!

Apart from all these tips and tricks, hiring a home security guard would help if you had the most advantageous option to secure your home. Who can handle the technology that will ensure the safety of your home?

A reputable security organization should consider hiring a home security guard who can provide experienced and fully qualified security guards to deal with every possible threat on your premises.

Metropolitan Guards:

 Being one of Melbourne’s leading security guard services companies, Metropolitan Guards Services has years of experience providing excellent security guard services. We have already provided various security services to multiple organizations. 

With extensive training, state-of-the-art technology, and a passion for customer service, we ensure our clients the best security guard services to protect their premises.

For hiring a home security guard in Melbourne, contact us at 1300 73 11

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