What is a Mobile Patrol?
Mobile security patrols are security guards provided with vehicles that allow them to monitor your entire property indoors and outdoors. While standard security guards are often stationed indoors, patrolling your halls and monitoring your security systems, mobile patrols look after the exterior of your building. These patrol units are trained to identify and address suspicious behavior immediately, protecting your property from vandals, thieves, and other potential hazards.
Mobile patrols security guards are an effective way of monitoring large objects. Indoor security guards can monitor your indoor alarm systems and video surveillance, while outdoor patrols can protect the perimeter and deal with any issues on your property. Here are some other benefits that mobile patrols provide:
Full Security of Your Site
While internal Security monitors security systems and patrols the halls of your facility, mobile patrol Security guards offers extensive Security for your entire property, including the exterior and perimeter. Large industrial or manufacturing properties may require a significant security force to protect multiple buildings and properties. Mobile patrol security guards can cruise around in security vans and ensure your entire property is free from any outside threat. By augmenting your security guard services with mobile patrol security guards, your security team will be much more effective at identifying potential security risks and addressing them calmly, collected, and time-sensitively.
Immediate Response
Suppose a security guard was working the night shift and noticed suspicious activity in a remote corner of your property. In that case, it is improbable that they will be able to effectively solve the problem on their own. Not only could it take them a long time to get to the other side of the property, but they would also leave their place vulnerable. With mobile security patrols, you can provide your security team with the backup they need to handle such situations. While your security guard monitors the problem using your comprehensive security system – which may include alarms, video surveillance, and other security features – mobile patrol security guards can immediately respond to a potential threat. This ensures that your security team has an immediate response, which can be much more effective in preventing crime than waiting for the authorities to arrive.
Highly Trained to Defuse Confrontation
Mobile security patrols are trained to defuse tense situations. From aggressive and violent individuals to potential security threats, they can remain calm and work towards a solution. This is also helpful in other emergencies such as fires, medical emergencies, and power outages. As the first responder to many situations and security alarms, mobile patrols can assess the situation and ensure that the appropriate authorities are notified. In cases of physical violence, mobile security patrols are trained in self-defense to help minimize risk and subdue the attacker until the authorities arrive.
Increased Focus on High-Risk Areas
For extensive industrial facilities—especially those with multiple buildings and thousands of feet in perimeter—mobile units offer targeted security patrols for high-risk areas. If vandals or teenagers are creeping onto your property, your mobile patrols can target these areas and deter trespassers from illegally entering your property and causing damage. Using vehicle patrols, these security units can effectively monitor a much larger size and respond quickly, giving you more flexibility with your security detail.
Deterring Criminal Activity
The mere presence of Security will make any thief, vandal, or trespasser think twice about entering your property. Beyond their effectiveness in responding to suspicious activity, mobile units are also a significant crime deterrent. For those looking to break in late at night, 24/7 mobile patrols will force them to consider choosing another location, as the risk of burglarizing a guarded facility is too high. While your mobile security patrols may not seem to encounter many problems, this may be because their presence will reduce the number of incidents that occur on your property. Either way, mobile patrols are money well spent to ensure your property is protected.
Perform Essential Duties
For convenience, mobile patrol security guards are often granted key-holding rights for large office buildings, commercial facilities, and manufacturing centers. Since many security units offer 24/7 coverage by going through different guard shifts, there will always be a security presence on your property. By giving these security guard services authority to hold the keys, you can ensure they can handle the situation quickly and efficiently. Whether your employees lock themselves out of an area of your facility or an emergency occurs, having an extra set of keys in trusted hands is never a bad idea.
First Responder in any Emergency
Mobile security units are often the first responders in an injury, medical emergency, fire, flood, or criminal situation. Security guards are qualified in first aid, CPR, and other life-saving techniques to help with medical problems before paramedics arrive. They are also highly trained in self-defense and decision-making. They can effectively control a tense situation while protecting your employees and clients and minimizing damage to your property.
To Make Your Employees and Clients Feel Safe
This added security presence can go a long way in making your employees and clients feel safe, secure, and comfortable at your facility. The peace of mind that arrives from having a trained security professional guarding the property will make everyone more comfortable and productive.
Why us?
Metropolitan Guards offers a wide range of security guard services to help keep your business, property, or event safe. Our mobile patrol security guards are highly trained to identify suspicious activity and mitigate threats. We work with our clients to tailor our services to your needs, ensuring you get the most effective security services for your budget.
For more information about our mobile patrol security guard services or to discuss your security needs, call us at 1300 73 11 73.